French Ceremony Customs

Everyone in France is required to marry in a church before they can marry in a mairie ( town hall ). It is typically a brief service presided over by the president of France, and it is where you are legally wed. Some couples choose to perform this first, followed by a religious meeting, and finally the other way around, and some even choose to perform both on the same morning!

In contrast to American celebrations, the French choose two or four temoins to serve as the girls and best man as their legal meeting testimony. The temoins are never remarkable to be family people, and they frequently serve as the child’s witnesses at their chapel bride. Although it is not totally required by traditions, it is customary for the temoins to don clothes that are a little more proper than the bride and groom may get wearing.

The bride typically leaves the bride’s house before the wedding, where a parade of musicians, her father french mail order bride, his mother, and guests follows. Kids frequently obstruct the princess’s course with white bows that she must cut on the way to the church or chapel as a signal that she has overcomed obstacles to a married life.

Many lovers will hold a lavish reception at a venue with plenty of dancing once they are married. The group may continue well into the nighttime and occasionally even until the early hours of the following day because the music is usually noisy! It’s a fantastic time to catch up with companions and remember the happy couple.

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